Category Archives: Gravitation

Gravitational Redshift & Expanding Spherical Wavefronts

An earlier post on Expanding Spherical Wavefronts made a qualitative argument that an ESW should sustain an energy loss as it expands through the Cosmos. In a more recent post it was argued that gravitational effects are a consequence of matter/electromagnetic-radiation interactions. As a follow-up, this post offers a quantitative demonstration that standard gravitational-redshift-based-math can be applied to an ESW to generate a cosmological redshift correlated with distance:

Terms & Definitions:
z = ((1-(rs/Resw))^(-1/2))-1
rs = Schwarzschild radius = 2GM/c2
Res = successive radii for an Expanding Spherical Wavefront in lightyears
Resw = successive radii for an ESW in meters
M = Calculated mass for a sphere at selected radii, assuming an average cosmological density of 1E-26 kg/m3. The average density is a free parameter in the model but the results are highly sensitive to this particular value. A variation of +/- 10% produces outcomes that seem unrealistic.

All in all, this is nothing more than a proof of concept – but it is an intriguing one. Two pieces of standard physics can be put together to produce a cosmological redshift-distance relation that is similar to the one presented by the standard model. The three graphs of redshift-distance are taken from the table and illustrate scale differences over the range of the table. A short discussion follows the 3rd graph.

Res (Ly) Resw (meters) rs M (kg) z
Graph1 Rows 1-6 of table
Graph2 Rows 1-26
Graph3 Rows 1-27


There are several interesting aspects to these results. The initial radius of 75M lightyears is arbitrary and lies just inside the 100Mly radius that can be considered to encompass the “local” Cosmos. The final radius in the model goes asymptotic at the range imposed by the math.

What is happening in the math is the Schwarzschild radius (rs) is catching up with the Expanding Spherical Wavefront being modeled. This is because the rs is increasing in proportion to the enclosed mass which is increasing as Resw3 while the ESW itself is only increasing as Resw2. This is the inverse of what happens (according to the Schwarzschild solution to GR) in the case of a mass undergoing gravitational collapse. In that situation the collapsing body converges inward toward the rs as the mass remains constant.

It should be noted that the rs is an artefact of the model; it is a coordinate singularity and not physically significant. This indicates that the model has broken down at that point by virtue of having produced a division by zero result. It can be argued that this is a consequence of the model not taking into account the variation in the speed of light in a gravitational gradient.

It is also striking that the redshift of the ESW model goes asymptotic at approximately the same cosmological distance (13.4Gly) that the standard model redshift does (13.8Gly). The difference is that in the ESW model the redshift is a consequence of the energy loss to the expanding spherical wavefront attributable to its gradual absorption by intervening galaxies. In the standard model the energy loss is a consequence of a model-inferred but unobservable “universal expansion” – which leaves the lost energy physically unaccounted for.

One other point of note, in the ESW account of redshift the cosmological conditions at the source of the redshifted light are assumed to be approximately the same as they are in our “local Cosmos”. In the standard model, of course, the cosmological conditions at the largest implied redshift distances are thought to be significantly different due to the nature of the evolving “expanding Universe” that the model assumes. The recent JWST observations contradict the standard model’s picture of an evolving “Universe”.

Inertia, Gravity, & Electromagnetic Radiation

This very interesting paper originally caught my attention because it demonstrates that Einstein rejected what the paper calls the “geometrization” of gravity and did so throughout his career not just at the end of his life. On a recent rereading I was struck by something else which is easy to forget – the subtly of Einstein’s thought.

The geometrization of gravity is an awkward term because it elides the central problem which is the reification of spacetime. It is well known that Einstein’s Relativity Theory employs the geometric math of Gauss-Riemann. What is at issue is whether that geometric math refers to a physical spacetime that causally interacts with matter and energy (electromagnetic radiation). Many argued that it did while Einstein rejected that interpretation as unphysical and uninformative.

Beyond the issue of what Einstein did not believe, the paper illuminates a seldom discussed subject – what Einstein did believe Relativity Theory accomplished, the unification of gravity and inertia. This unification is not found in the famous gravitational equation of General Relativity but in the lesser known geodesic equation. From the paper:

We found that (i) Einstein thought of the geodesic equation in GR
as a generalisation of the law of inertia; (ii) in which inertia and gravity
were unified so that (iii) the very labeling of terms as ‘inertial’ and
‘gravitational’ respectively, becomes in principle “unnecessary”, even if
useful when comparing GR to Newtonian theory.

While it is well understood that the Equivalence Principle* played a role in Einstein’s thought process while developing GR the importance of the geodesic equation as a formal realization of the EP is certainly not widely acknowledged as far as I am aware. The implications of that unification are profound.

One of the peculiarities of the modern theoretical physics community is their apparent disinterest in determining the physical cause of the gravitational effect. The reason for this disinterest is a philosophical attitude known as instrumentalism – if some math describes an observed outcome adequately then a causal explanation is superfluous. Instrumentalism is a variant of the scientifically baseless philosophical belief called mathematicism.

The purpose of science is to investigate the nature of physical reality, not to sit around fiddling with poorly constructed mathematical models of physical reality that do not remotely make sense when you inquire of the model, What does the math mean with regard to the physical system being modeled? The answer that typically comes back is a peculiar kind of bullshit that can be thought of as Big Science Babble.

Superposition Of States is Exhibit A of BSB on the quantum scale. Almost all quantum scale babble winds up at SOS or at Wave-Particle Duality. SOS tells us that an electron is never at a particular position until it is observed.

When an electron is detected it is always, not surprisingly, at a particular location but according to the mathematicists at all other times when not being observed the electron is in a SOS – it is spread out over all of its possible locations as described by some math (the wavefunction). How do they know this? Because the math doesn’t know where the electron is, so it can’t be anywhere in particular. Sure, of course.

BSB is rife on the cosmological scale. According the standard model of cosmology the Cosmos is 95% made up of some invisible stuff while the stuff we actually observe provides the remaining 5%. How do scientists know this invisible stuff is there? Because it has to be there to make the Big Bang model work and everybody knows the BB model is correct because they said so in graduate school, so the invisible stuff has to be there, like it or not. Sure, of course.

At the root of all BSB, of course, is mathematicism. A mathematical model dictates an absurd story about physical reality which we are then supposed to believe without evidence because math determines the nature of physical reality. If mathematicists with pieces of paper saying they are scientists believe in BSB, shouldn’t you? No, you should not.

Physical reality is an afterthought to mathematicists for whom only math is of interest. That’s why no effort is being expended in the scientific academy to understand the physical cause of gravity; research funding is controlled by mathematicists. And since they already have some math that kind of works (as long as reality contains things it does not appear to contain), well that’s good enough – for mathematicists.

In real science, physical events and behaviors occur as a consequence of physical interactions. Those interactions can be matter/matter (collision), matter/radiation (emission, absorption, reflection), or radiation/radiation (interference) in nature. There is a good argument to be made that all observed gravitational and inertial effects arise as a consequence of matter/radiation interactions:

  1. By observation, everywhere in the Cosmos that there is no matter, there is electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Light traversing a gravitational field behaves as it does in a transparent medium with a density gradient. All approximately spherical gravitating bodies emit electromagnetic radiation omnidirectionally with a density gradient that falls off as 1/r2.
  3. The gravitational effect surrounding a spherical gravitating body falls off as 1/r2.
  4. The gravitational field then is just the Ambient Local Electromagnetic Radiation field surrounding a gravitating body.
  5. In the intergalactic regions, far from any significant gravitating bodies there is only the ubiquitous Ambient Cosmic Electromagnetic Radiation.
  6. The ACER is, to a good approximation, isotropic and this cosmically sourced electromagnetic field does not have a density gradient. It can be thought of as the inertial field.
  7. This unified physical account of gravity and inertia is consistent with Einstein’s mathematical description of a unified gravity and inertia in the geodesic equation.**


*The Equivalence Principle Einstein employed is now known, since the mid 20th century, as the Weak Equivalence Principle to distinguish it from later, dubious extensions, added with little scientific justification after Einstein’s death in 1955.

**The forgoing does not constitute conclusive evidence that gravity is an effect of matter/electromagnetic-energy interactions – but it is evidence based on empirical observations. In contrast, there is no empirical evidence for the concept of gravity as a fundamental force.

Forces are themselves not things, they are effects. Of the four fundamental forces claimed by science to exist, only the electromagnetic force has any empirical basis. In fact though electromagnetic radiation is no more a “force” than a golf club is a “force”.

A golf club exerts a force on a golf ball by striking it, resulting in an acceleration of the ball. That applied force can be quantified using known mechanical laws. The term force describes that interaction but force is just a descriptive term for the interaction between the golf club and golf ball, it is not the golf club nor is it a separate thing in itself. The same analysis applies to EMR; it is not a force but it can exert a force when it strikes a physical object.

The Radiation Density Gradient II

I want to correct and extend a point raised in the thought experiment of the previous post. Under consideration, a blackbody the size and density of the sun placed in the InterGalactic Medium. Such a body should come to equilibrium with the Ambient Cosmic Electromagnetic Radiation. The ACER has never been properly accounted for in its entirety, though a preliminary effort has been made,

The blackbody, being in equilibrium, is emitting as much energy as it is receiving and it therefore has an energy density gradient surrounding it consisting of the outbound radiation which drops off in density as 1/r2, the radial distance from the center of the blackbody. The underlying ACER density (presumed approximately constant) does not change with distance and may well be considered an inertial field.

Now we flip the fusion switch and make the blackbody a more realistic astronomical object, a star. Compared to the blackbody, this star has a relatively enormous radiation density gradient consisting of all the omnidirectionally emitted radiation produced by the star. The density of that radiation will again drop off as 1/r2.

When a remotely sourced electromagnetic wave passes close by a star the wave is observed to curve as if it were traversing a medium with a density gradient. This is commonly attributed to a gravitational field though such a field has never been observed.

What is observed are a curvature of light and a radiation density gradient. It strains credulity to believe that those two physical facts are uncorrelated. This in turn suggests that observed gravitational effects, commonly attributed to an unobserved gravitational field, are in fact a consequence of matter-electromagnetic energy interactions.

The Radiation Density Gradient

A thought experiment: Imagine a spherical blackbody the size and density of the sun. Now place that body deep in the InterGalactic Medium. In such a location a blackbody will be absorbing all of the Ambient Cosmic Electromagnetic Radiation that flows continuously through any location in the IGM. Eventually we should expect the sphere to settle into a state of equilibrium with the ACER, continuously absorbing and reemitting all the energy it receives.

This means that there must exist a Radiation Density Gradient surrounding the blackbody consisting of all the inbound and outbound radiation. By normal geometric considerations we should expect the gradient to drop off as 1/R2, R being the radius.

The question is, just how much energy is that? The answer depends on the surface area of the sphere, which is easy to calculate, and the energy density of the ACER which doesn’t seem to be cleanly known, Various frequency bands have been observed to varying degrees. This recent survey of the Cosmic spectrum as a whole suggests that the aggregate nature, behavior and effect of the ACER has not been properly and fully assessed.

Given some reasonable value for the ACER density it would be possible to estimate the RDG of the sphere. With a reasonable value for the RDG a calculation could then be made, using optical considerations, of the curvature to be expected for the path of a light ray passing through the RDG, feeding that curved light back into the RDG calculation. The result could then be compared to the standard curvature predicted by General Relativity but first the additional energy directly radiated by the sun would have to be factored in. Something to think about. Somebody else will have to do the math though. That’s not my gig.